Automated Podcast Synthesis

With support from Media Innovation Lab, WV Sound Audio Production, Wiener Zeitung and Happy House Media, we've crafted a system that combines the latest AI technologies with professional podcast studios for human quality control. The result? Authentic, effortless podcasts.

Automated Podcast Synthesis

AI-Generated Scripts with Context Awareness

First off, we leverage advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to generate podcast scripts. This isn't just templated content. We’re talking about AI models that understand context, conversational flow, and can even grasp intricate topics in various industries. The machine outputs an initial draft that retains a natural tone while staying informative and engaging.

Expert Human Review

We could let the AI do all the work, but we're striving for a level of quality that can only come from the human touch. So, each AI-generated script undergoes rigorous scrutiny from our partners in podcast studios, who are experts in media and subject matter. They fine-tune the script, ensuring it doesn’t just sound like a machine rattling off facts.

Voice Cloning and Synthesis: More than Just Text-to-Speech

The audio side of things is fascinating. Voice cloning isn't new, but we've pushed the envelope here. By employing latest advances in deep neural networks, the system can replicate the tonal qualities, pitch variations, and speech idiosyncrasies of your chosen voice. It's a synthesized voice, sure, but one that carries the authentic signature of human speech.

The QC Angle: Automated yet Personalized

AI has an excellent knack for details. Once the human-augmented script and the AI-synthesized voice are ready, we move into the Quality Control (QC) stage. Here, we're using machine learning algorithms to handle noise reduction, volume leveling, and content cohesion checks. This automated QC doesn't replace the human element; it complements it. Our podcast studio partners weigh in again at this stage, lending their years of experience to the final product.

It's All About Seamless Integration

Five working days—that's all it takes from ingesting your text to distributing a polished, studio-quality podcast on your platforms. Efficiency and quality, in harmony.

Ongoing Collaborations and Future Tweaks

Look, technology evolves; we get that. That's why we’re not considering Virtual Podcaster as a 'finished' project but more as an evolving platform. We’re already in talks with our studio partners about how to integrate more nuanced voice modulations and experimenting with more advanced contextual understanding in scriptwriting.

Final Thoughts

We built Virtual Podcaster to challenge the status quo in podcast production, marrying technical innovation with human expertise. It's not just about using AI for the sake of it; it's about how these technologies can bring us closer to what podcasting should be—a powerful, authentic medium for storytelling and information sharing.


We get asked this a lot

Contact us for a free consultation for us to answer all your open questions.
What if my organization has no experience with artificial intelligence?

You bring the industry knowledge, we bring the AI expertise. Together, we identify automation use-cases. Texterous takes over strategy, development, training and deployment. In addition, our workshops are a great way for organizational learning in AI adoption.

How do you work?

Fantastic question! As AI projects tend to be exploratory in nature, we follow an agile philosophy: Working in iterative sprints resulting in testable outcomes every two weeks. This is how we make sure the project is aligned with your business goals.

Can't I just employ someone inhouse?

You can, in fact you should! Will that be sufficient to adopt to the depths and breadths in a rapidly changing AI environment? Likely not. We know it is hard finding the right people in the space of large language models right now. There are a lot of self-proclaimed "AI specialists" out there - that just jumped the ChatGPT wave in 2023. Our people have extensive professional and academic expertise in the field - in fact, we have been among the first 6000 people globally to get access to GPT-3 in 2020. If you are looking to develop your in-house AI team and need assistance in doing so, we offer a CIO as a Service.

Do I need training data?

Large language models have been pre-trained to understand human language. In most cases, no additional training data is needed. However, one or few examples afford "in-context learning" and if you happen to possess training data, we are happy to fine-tune our models to your use-cases.

Are you GDPR compliant?

Yes! We are fully compliant with local AI and data protection requirements. Our server centers live within the European Union and your data is not shared with third countries.

Do you train your own models?

There are new models released every few weeks by major players like OpenAI, Mistral, Google, Meta, Aleph Alpha and others. We are using these models as they are released and - if necessary - fine-tune them to automate your business processes. However, many of those models are open-source and can be hosted on your own servers, if desired.